Models and training

Models and training

The basic primitive of EmpiricalRiskMinimization.jl is the model type.

Creating a Model

There are many ways to instantiate a model. You use the function Model(...) do so. It has the following definition

function Model(U, V; loss=SquareLoss(), reg=L2Reg(),
               Unames = nothing, Vnames = nothing,
               embedall = false, verbose=false, kwargs...)

The first two arguments specify the data: inputs U and targets V. There are many keyword arguments:

datasets that are not entirely numerical.

U and V are standardized and a constant feature is added to U, giving X and Y.

status() at the end of model actions (see below).

Default parameters

Suppose you create a model on U and v using the following line of code.

M = Model(U, V)

This specifies a squared loss, and l2 regularization. Additionally, it will create X by standardizing U and adding a constant feature, and it will create Y by standardizing V. Addditionally, it will put regularization on all the weights except for the first weight, corresponding to the constant feature. The simplest way to describe this model is a regularized least squares regression model with regularization on the non-constant parameters.

Specifying different models


To train a model in ERM, you simply invoke the the train command.

There are additional (hidden) parameters available to fine tune the training experience.

In the example below, we adjust the regularization weight (default: 1e-10) and the fraction of data used for training (default: .60).

train(M, lambda=1e-4, trainfrac=0.6)


After carrying out an ERM function (e.g., train) on a model M, you can invoke status(M) to view the outcome of the function.